Monday, January 4, 2010

We Travel

We are all travelers on this road we call life. What transport we use, detours we take, stops we make are our own, even if someone has gone before us. No two people ever take the same trip, even if they take the journey together.

Single Serving

One of the things that annoys the hell out of me is recipes.  Now, I'm a single chick.  Sometimes I don't want to make enough food to feed a family of 4.  I don't want to be stuck with leftovers for the next week, eating the same dish until it's coming out of my ears.    

Why can't things be sold in "easy to divide into single servings" packaging?  I don't want to make a tray of lasagne, only to have to freeze a whole lot.  Ever try to divide something like that into single servings? 

Yeah, yeah, I could just buy a chicken and cut it up, making a different dish with each part every night, but really now, ever try to make lemon chicken in wine for one?

And these cooking shows...they make huge amounts of food, who's going to eat all that?  What's with all the waste?

Anyhow, I made some pumpkin spice peacan pancakes and halved the recipe but still only ate half the pancakes.   Now I have to freeze the rest.  Pain. 

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Starting Here, Starting Now

I need a new idea, a new focus, a new way to earn my keep.

I think if I have to go back and work as someone’s assistant I might just scream. What would you do if your resume says you’re only able to do “one thing” and you need a job?

What would you do if you need to change and didn’t know how to start?

Where would you go if you wanted to get a new handle on your own life and didn’t know how to?

How do you get out of the trap?